A second chance if you need it.
If your systems are infected with ransomware, you can restore your data from a recent backup. This is how you avoid having to pay a ransom to cybercriminals
In the event of hardware failures such as hard drive crashes or server outages, you will be up and running again quickly
Whether it's accidentally deleted files or incorrectly edited documents, a backup ensures that you always have a copy of your most important data to fall back on.
How we add value.
For beginners: A backup is like a digital safety net for the most important company data. It makes a copy of the data and stores it in a secure location, so that valuable information remains safe even in the event of a cyber attack, hardware failure, or human error. In an era where threats such as ransomware rule the order of the day, a reliable backup is the best defense against data loss and business process interruptions.
Managed backup services go beyond just making a copy of your data. It includes proactively managing, monitoring, and testing your backups to make sure they're always available and recoverable when you need them.
Managed backup contributes to a zero trust strategy by securing critical data, implementing advanced encryption, and providing rapid recovery options, allowing organizations to respond to incidents and restore compromised systems.
We kunnen uw backupinfrastructuur schalen om te voldoen aan uw groeiende opslagbehoeften, zodat u altijd voldoende ruimte heeft om uw data veilig op te slaan.
Uw backups worden veilig opgeslagen op externe servers of in de cloud, zodat zelfs in het geval van fysieke schade aan uw kantoorlocatie uw data veilig blijft.
De bewaartermijn van uw backups kan variëren afhankelijk van uw specifieke behoeften en wettelijke vereisten. We kunnen samen met u een bewaarbeleid opstellen dat past bij uw bedrijf.
Ja, we nemen strikte beveiligingsmaatregelen, waaronder encryptie en toegangscontrole, om ervoor te zorgen dat uw backupdata beschermd is tegen cyberaanvallen en ongeautoriseerde toegang.
No problem. Feel free to let us know what questions you have!
Because yesterday could have been too late.